Haven, Connecticut.
The Print Club, Center for Prints and Photographs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 68th Annual
Competition: Photographs 1993
"Asian Images", Solo exhibition Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California July 2001
"Structured Landscapes", Solo exhibition, Anaheim Museum, California June 2000
"Visual Notes", Solo exhibition, Terrys Gallery, Long Beach, California September 1999
"Concrete, Bamboo, Steel: Images of Asia", Solo exhibition, HK Arts Centre Pao Galleries May 1997
"Parallel Life", Solo exhibition, Fringe Gallery, Hong Kong September 1996
"Neighborhood of the Mind", group exhibition, curator & participating artist, Fringe Gallery, HK, 1997
"OP Editions" group exhibitions 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Fringe Gallery HK
Duke Energy Power Plant Replacement and Modernization Facility, Morro Bay, California
Port of Los Angeles Waterfront Master Plan and open space strategies
Anaheim Civic Center Plaza and Entry Pergolas
Veterans Monument and Plaza, Anaheim, California
Huludao City Longwan Business District, Peoples Republic of China
Tianjin Hi-tech R & D Park, Tianjin, Peoples Republic of China
Grand Central Square, downtown Los Angeles, California
Broadway Theaters Entertainment District Adaptive Re-use Plan, downtown Los Angeles
San Jose Convention Center
Bicentennial Plaza, San Jose
San Jose Museum of Art Plaza
UC Irvine Faculty Club and Alumni House
Santa Monica Carousel Park
Beverly Hills Civic Center Competition with Charles W. Moore
Coyote Point Beach Recreation Area and Marina, San Mateo County, California
Fairbanks Ranch, San Diego County, California
Brett Weston residences in Carmel Valley, California, and Waikoloa Village, Hawaii
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