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3月23日北大景观讲座:英国谢菲尔德大学景观设计学系教授Nigel Dunnett
http://flower.intopet.com 日期:2007-2-4 来源:景观中国 作者:佚名 阅读:
andscape Vegetation. Invited presentation to the Society of Garden Desigers, Reaseath College, May 1999.

A thirty-eight year study into climate and vegetation in road verges at Bibury, Gloucestershire. Invited presentation in the University of Berns Long-term monitoring of ecosystems seminar series. November 1998.

New sustainable vegetations for urban plantings. Invited keynote presentation to the Cullowhee Landscape Design with Native Plants Conference, North Carolina, USA, July 1998.

The New Wave of planting design with perennials and annuals in the UK and Europe. Invited presentation to the Friends of the J. C. Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, North Carolina. July 1998

Creative solutions to water conservation in gardens: attitudes and approaches of garden owners. Invited presentation to joint Royal Horticultural Society and Royal Meteorological Society Conference on Gardens and Climate Change, April 1998, Imperial College.

Long-term monitoring of herbacous plant communities in the UK. Invited presentation to EWVAR East-West variations in North Atlantic impacts on ecosystem processes. Budapest, Hungary, November 1997

Landscape Coppice. Invited presentation to Designing with Perennials: New Trends in Planting Design II. Kew Gardens. June 1997.

Natural inspiration - ecological patterns in planting design. Council for Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Iowa, September 1995

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